In-Person Meeting Requirements
Moeller Graf will be opening the ability for an in-person appointment at its Englewood Office as of May 18th.
The outline provided is subject to additional changes, and will be updated periodically in accordance with health services / governmental recommendations. Individuals seeking access to an in-person appointment for a payment or materials dropoff will be required to adhere to the following guidelines. Should you determine these guidelines are too restrictive, the firm has multiple digital options to make a payment or transact with the company using various mail / delivery systems.
By Appointment Only
In an effort to ensure strict social distancing standards in our lobby, an appointment must be made to access our facility. Each paralegal and reception have access to this system. Additionally, there is a link at the top of our website that will allow you to set up an appointment.
• Note: Appointments must be secured with 24 hours’ notice. Same day appointments will not be honored. Example: a meeting for Tuesday must be booked on Monday before 5pm.• Note: Without an appointment, should the individual show up on premise, they will not be allowed in the office nor will any materials be accepted in which they are attempting to provide.
• Note: Appointments will be accepted with only one individual able to gain access to the office at a time. Should the situation require more than one individual, please note that on your appointment.
• Note: If the individual has been sick within the last 48 hours, we ask that you do not make an in-person appointment. Moeller Graf will attempt to assist you in another way so that your material can be obtained.
Mask/Covering Required
The main building at the firm’s Englewood branch has a mask policy in place for all who are on premises. Additionally, our office will only accept the individual into the office while wearing a mask. The mask must remain on the entire time while inside the firm’s office.Hand Sanitizer
Before touching materials presented by the individual, they will be asked to utilize the firm-provided hand sanitizer or use their preference of hand sanitizer that can be in liquid or cloth form (this must be done after entering the firms lobby). The employee at Moeller Graf will have gloves covering their hands as a precaution.Placement in the Firm’s Lobby
There will be a blue square on the floor where the individual will be asked to stand. The counter will only be utilized to sign a document or to place documents/materials on it.Additional Instructions
Our staff may request additional efforts that have not been outlined in these guidelines. Thank you in advance for respecting their requests.