About Us
What is the difference between our firm, and any other experienced community association law firm? We can sum it up in one word – effective.
The Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines “ef·fec·tive” as a: producing a decided, decisive, or desired effect; b: ready for service or action.
Our mission at Moeller Graf, P.C., is to provide our community association clients with effective, common-sense and efficient representation that solves problems, improves governance, creates community harmony and contributes to long-term community success. We effectuate this goal through our attentive personal relationships with our clients and their managers.
As a volunteer board, it is imperative that you obtain expert legal counsel for your association and its myriad of different legal issues. Rest assured, we are experts in the field of community association law and represent associations in nearly every facet of their existence.
Tim Moeller and David Graf have been accredited by the Community Association Institute (CAI) to provide educational seminars to professional managers. Both attorneys have been authorized by the Colorado Supreme Court to teach continuing legal education classes to other attorneys on the subject of community association law. Our attorneys are frequent educational speakers for CAI and have published articles in both its local and national publications.
We do not represent developers, management companies, individuals, Boards of Directors, or Directors individually. Instead, we concentrate on those issues that are universally important to Colorado community associations—collecting delinquent assessments, enforcing covenants, interpreting and revising governing documents and attending Board and Member meetings, as well as covering all other facets of homeowner association law.
We believe that an association is only as healthy as its current Board of Directors. Our goal is to work as a team with the Board thereby making the task of serving on the Board as easy as possible so that those volunteers with families, jobs, and other life interests have the ability and the desire to undertake such an important role in their community.
Vision & Mission

Moeller Graf P.C. seeks to change the market regionally, with accelerated growth in its supporting network, by expanding services through:
enabling a practice of transparency within the work that encourages greater adoption of the firm
providing proactive solutions to increase conflict resolution effectiveness
improving the standards and outcomes associated with volunteer involvement
creating a new wave of educational platforms designed to strengthen decision making.
To create a legal and business platform that is differentiated by creating a true partnership with community and business leaders in search of a customized experience to meet their needs. Moeller Graf P.C. will lead a continuous quest to find exceptional workforce professionals that share in this mission without compromise. This association forges strong levels of trust, which fuels our growth, ensures client and team member retention and success of our client organizations, through an innovative approach of educational immersion, business guidance, and functional solution-oriented expertise.
Core Values
Enabling solutions that optimizes time and promotes well-being of our individual team members while balancing the commitments and expectations of our firm.
Determining and aligning our client’s expectations with our work, cost, and effort.
Adding value with each interaction and work product to shape retention and brand recognition.
Promoting an atmosphere capable of hosting direct, respectful and sometimes unpopular conversations with the intention creating a stronger relationship.
Hours of Operation
Denver / Englewood:
Monday - Friday
Colorado Springs:
Tuesday - Friday
The office closes in observation of the following holidays:
New Year’s Day
Wednesday January 1
Memorial Day
Monday May 26
Independence Day
Friday July 4
Labor Day
Monday September 1
Thursday November 27
Friday November 28
Christmas Day
Thursday-Friday December 25-26