Colorado HB 25-1043 is introduced as an act "concerning the protection of unit owners …". What does it actually entail? What are the potential impacts? Read for more info
Most D&O policies have exclusions for property damage claims … The rationale for the property-damage exclusion is to avoid significant overlap with CGL insurance. How exactly does that play out? Read the full article for more information
Community associations are increasingly feeling the pinch on insurance. Boards frequently look to their managers to provide guidance, yet it can be difficult to determine whether particular claims will likely be covered by D&O or CGL policies. To help with this, we will discuss common D&O questions for community associations in this series.
Welcome to the Moeller Graf BlogCast! In this series, the team delves into recent legal updates affecting Colorado homeowner associations, providing essential insights for community leaders and residents alike. This episode covers key legislative changes, important court rulings, and their implications for association governance. Tune in regularly for a clearer understanding of these developments, their impact on communities, and practical advice on ensuring compliance.