Beneficial Ownership Information Report
BOI filing reinstated to March 21, 2025. Click here for details.


I’ve had the privilege of being guided through numerous complex HOA situations and decisions by David Graf and his team. Without exception, each experience was resolved for the benefit of all participants involved. Moeller Graf is my first choice for quality service and ethical solutions. Thanks again to all involved with the Moeller Graf team.
– HOA President, December 18, 2024
I wanted to let you know how much we appreciate your assistance in our HOA matters. We have been so relieved to have you working on our behalf during this crazy time. It has given me a peace of mind that I haven't had since stepping into this position over six months ago.
Thank you so much for that. For that reason, I am sending you a referral from another HOA located here in the Western Slope. Again, thank you so much for having our backs in dealing with difficult circumstances.
– HOA President, February 29, 2024
Moeller Graf has top tier attorneys with the entire firm. I would highly suggest any association to subscribe to their services. David Parker & Christian Webert are always available when I need legal advice or explanation of condo declarations.
Alexis Frick is amazing at collections process for delinquent accounts and very responsive. Brittany and Ashley go above and beyond with customer service. I would say the names above are a huge asset to this firm and I plan to never lose this ongoing business connection!
– Received January 19, 2024
David, I really appreciated the presentation you and Tim did today. Great material and public service providing thoughtful answers to many really good questions.
You have a gift of delivering information that often tends to elevate emotions—especially for homeowners who feel they’ve been aggrieved!— in such a calm and reassuring manner. I wish I had your calm temperament! Thanks for being such a wonderful emissary for our industry.
– Received September 29, 2023
The Board and I would like to acknowledge all of Christian’s hard work getting this absurdly drawn-out case closed. Countless hours have gone into this matter, mediations, court hearings, emails and phone calls, motion after motion and in the end the Association has finally been made whole without having to take a loss or go to trial.
We all don’t hear it enough in this industry but Christian and Moeller Graf’s efforts, follow through and dedication are much appreciated. Thanks for all you do!
– Received August 11, 2023
“I wish to thank you for the clear cut legal opinions that you provided to this HOA Board in recent weeks. We have had several legal teams over the past years whose efforts have been less than clear, despite the many thousands of dollars we have spent on legal fees. We constantly in the past have endured months of waiting for a legal reply and failed to receive one, or to have a legal opinion so muddied that it was practically useless.
I have found you and your legal team a breath of fresh air. We asked for a legal opinion in two recent matters and received a timely reply which was both complete and easy to understand. One of the legal matters I had been waiting over a year with our prior legal team. Your team was very responsive and legal reply was received in a matter of weeks. The reply concise, to the point and complete. This means finally this HOA Board can move ahead on a matter which has been hanging over us for over a year.”
– Received June 25, 2023
We pledge
to acknowledge your requests with confirmation of receipt and or a timeline to follow up.
to gain an understanding of the urgency of the inquiry so that we can prioritize it appropriately.
to provide a completion date for the work we have been asked to undertake.
to seek better experiences for our clients and learn from moments of opportunity.
We pledge
to increase clarity and minimize ambiguity in our communications.
to ask questions when starting a project with the intention to meet or exceed your expectations.
to acknowledge and work to understand the complexities of the situation facing the client.
to provide creative solutions whenever possible.
to seek better experiences for our clients and learn from moments of opportunity.
We pledge
to work as a strategic partner with you.
to foster continuous trust through our advice and actions, even when they are not popular.
to balance our professional obligations with the client’s objectives in finding the optimal solution.
that our entire team works for you, even when your interactions are with less than all.
to seek better experiences for our clients and learn from moments of opportunity.
Moeller Graf provides community association clients with experienced, common sense and efficient representation that solves problems, improves governance, creates community harmony and contributes to long-term community success.
Have a question and want quick service? Schedule an appointment with one of our professional service members today.
Would you like to contact legal counsel without an immediate cost?
Would you like to offer homeowners an easy-to-execute payment method?
Our objective is to keep our client communities out of court when possible. We will, to the extent possible and practical, achieve owner compliance in a cooperative manner.
Corporate Representation
Election and voting issues
Amendment & interpretation of governing documents
Preparation of opinion letters
Evaluation of assessment issues
Preparation of policies and rules
Attending difficult and contentious meetings
Attending to other corporate issues
Cooperative Compliance
Extensive counsel for boards of directors
Collection matters
Covenant enforcement
Corporate governance
Pre-litigation and non-litigation enforcement
Enforcement letters
Assistance in conciliation efforts
Litigation for governing document enforcement and collection matters
Defending community associations that are sued
Contract Negotiation & Review
Negotiating and reviewing contracts and easements between community associations and vendors
Arbitration & Mediation
Alternative dispute resolution
Construction Defects
General corporate counsel
In cooperation with specialized construction defect counsel, our office provides corporate counsel as necessary to support the board and community through a construction defect proceeding.
Our team works closely with community association boards. Supporting the association, the manager, and board members, we are heavily invested in our clients’ success, always putting their needs first.
Stay up-to-date on the law, best practices and more with our workshops.

MG consultant services offers consulting expertise in a variety of spaces. Services are mainly focused on accelerating business outcomes with options such as strategic planning to highly regulated compliance situations. This service does not provide legal advice and is a separate entity from the law firm. It was created based on the feedback from our clients over the years that shared a broader level of non-legal service offerings would advantageous to advance their business.
Access important documents and regulations for community associations by visiting our Resources page: