Recent Change to FHA Certification Guidelines for Condominiums
Our Condominium clients know that, since 2011, for homeowners within the condominium community to obtain an FHA backed loan, the entire condominium community had to be FHA certified. Once obtained, the certification had to be renewed every 2 years and “spot approval” was no longer available.
Good news! The new FHA guidelines now require certification every 3 years and spot approval has been restored. Additionally, owner occupancy percentages have been reduced from 50% to as low as 35%. The Re-certification has been simplified and these changes are effective on October 15, 2019.
We would be happy to assist your community with this process and provide any additional information you may need to assist your condominium community in becoming certified so as to expand the opportunities for potential purchasers to obtain FHA backed loans.
The new guidelines are here.