A New Format for "Office Hours"


Office hours used to be a time for all of us to connect as individuals and say hello. Given the coronavirus pandemic, it has devolved into a "ask a legal question if you have one" virtual meeting, which is uninspiring for management company personnel who are already strapped for time. In an effort to re-connect with our valued management company friends, we are starting office hours with a short talk (5-15 minutes) by David and Tim that is intended to inspire community managers.

The theme for October is "burnout," which is intended to be an inspirational life raft for managers working under very difficult conditions given the present times. After that, we're happy to answer questions like normal office hours, or continue the discussion—as determined by your people! An agenda will be circulated in advance of office hours that will outline the key takeaways from each theme. We look forward to your feedback on this change; look for new themes each month.
