May Office Hours Agenda


Have you ever felt like you were in a “no-win” situation?  Where you know that doing nothing is not an option, but all of the options leave you in jeopardy? We increasingly find our professional community manager colleagues in situations where whatever they do, they face liability. Someone will be unhappy with the decision, no matter what, and they will sue. In this class, David and Tim will talk about a logical process to determine whether something needs to be done, and if so, how you can best chart a course with the greatest upside and the least downside. We will also discuss how our mental processes, as well as our emotions, play a role in choosing the best path.

What you can expect to take away:

Attendees will leave the conversation with a better understanding of the following:

  1. That there are scenarios where the "right" course of action will be unclear.

  2. That sometimes, the wisest course of action is to do nothing or to say nothing.

  3. That professional managers spend a lot of their time making decisions in this "gray zone" where a clear path cannot be seen.

  4. That our mental processes, and our emotions, can make choosing a rational path more complicated than it needs to be.

  5. That following a few simple steps can help determine which path is most advisable and how the risks of that path can be manage and accepted.
